The Blake Touch

Cheryl D Blake

Cheryl BlakeCheryl Blake is a seasoned professional who has spent 35 years excelling in the corporate world within Canada’s top companies. Renowned for her ability to deliver groundbreaking results, in 2000, Cheryl made a pivotal decision to transition from her corporate career to pursue her entrepreneurial dream. She now owns and operates her eponymous company, The Blake Touch, with a profound mission: to leverage her extensive knowledge and experience to empower clients in effecting meaningful transformations in both their careers and personal development journeys.

At the core of Cheryl’s methodology lies a unique blend of insights gleaned from her rich background in human interactions, motivations, and results-oriented thinking. She is deeply committed to guiding her clients toward unlocking their authentic potential and embracing their true selves. Through her innovative teaching style, Cheryl empowers individuals to step into their own power and lead lives characterized by success, fulfillment, and freedom.

The catalyst for Cheryl’s desire to to transform her life on a much broader scale, was the loss of her son. Her inner awakening and grief journey was profound, and resulted in her new vision for life that includes inspiring others to transform their lives.

A pivotal offering from The Blake Touch is Cheryl’s inaugural Forever Young © 1-1 Transformational Coaching Program. This program is meticulously crafted to foster holistic well-being, emphasizing the intertwining aspects of physical health, mental wellness, and emotional balance. Drawing from her own transformative journey towards a “forever young” lifestyle, Cheryl imparts invaluable wisdom on cultivating mindfulness, nurturing personal growth, and fostering a positive mindset. Her coaching encompasses essential pillars such as mindset cultivation, discipline, habit formation, action planning, commitment, and accountability, all geared towards guiding clients on a journey of renewal, growth, and profound transformation.

Cheryl’s coaching philosophy extends far beyond mere guidance; she serves as a beacon of inspiration and a living embodiment of the principles she espouses. Her unwavering authenticity, resilience, and lifelong commitment to personal growth serve as a testament to the transformative power of her approach. Cheryl firmly believes in leading by example, and her dedication to embodying this essence in her own life serves as a potent source of motivation for her clients.

In her relentless pursuit of excellence, Cheryl remains dedicated to expanding her knowledge and honing her skills through continuous professional development. She collaborates closely with wellness experts, engages in ongoing coaching with her own wellness coach, and actively seeks out networking opportunities within related fields. Cheryl’s holistic coaching approach encompasses a broad spectrum of wellness domains, including nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep hygiene, and social connections. By guiding her clients in cultivating healthy habits and fostering sustainable lifestyle changes, Cheryl empowers them to enhance their overall well-being and embrace a life marked by vitality and longevity.