The Blake Touch

About Me

Thanks for stopping by my page and learning more about me. I believe it’s never too late for anything – or any change.

I have been a  business leader with extensive experience in the banking, finance, travel, mortgage, and education sector. I had always dreamed of being my own boss, following in my family’s footsteps of entrepreneurship, and having my own business.

As a person, I am faith-filled and share that openly. I believe all things are possible with a positive mindset—the ability to turn tragedy into triumph. Recently I had an epiphany: I much preferred decorating my house over anything I’ve done in my career; it’s my obsession. Life is too short not to be the most authentic version of “yourself” and do what you love. So why am I not doing this?

My foray into entrepreneurship first began in 2000. Inspired by my childhood home growing up, my mother herself, a certified interior designer, and my idols Martha Stewart and Sarah Richardson, my great appreciation for Ethan Allan interiors and beautiful homes, I realized early on that my great eye for design was more than a passion. A decision was made to leave the numbers world for good and become a lifestyle/event planner/wedding coordinator/interior decorator. The company was named Blake Touch after my family name and that special added touch. I started building my portfolio decorating pro bono for the Oakville Awards for Business Excellence and Rotary Events, to name a few, and for friends.

Fortunately, I was selected to participate in a government-sponsored Woman’s Entrepreneur program advancing selected business startups with funding when the world as we know it changed on September 11, 2001. My business plan was turned down, and I was not one of the candidates selected for the grant as the would-be panel felt that the world didn’t need event planners at the time… as it turned out, they could not have been more wrong, that’s precisely what the world needed, and I should have followed my instincts. I just never dared to pursue it until now.

Subsequently, I have resurrected Blake Touch and am working hard with my team of  “advisors” of other women entrepreneurs to create a unique seasonal and home decorating business to help busy homeowners transform their homes for the holiday season and throughout.

As a self-taught designer, I’ve learned to trust myself from the start and the advice of friends. What sets me apart is that I am authentic and accessible, and exactly who I am here and behind the scenes. I am fast, I learn quickly, and I can easily transition. I am responsive and sympathetic to clients’ needs. And most importantly, I know how to work and stick within budget! That, together with my love of planning, organizing, and creating with my business acumen, makes this a perfect dream business for me!

A woman smiling wearing a black shirt with a painting behind
I want to help my clients

I may not be able to adorn every corner of the world, but I can make a lasting impact by empowering and expressing love during the most beautiful - and sometimes challenging - holiday seasons, as well as the moments in between. I look forward to collaborating with you to create that perfect touch.

Create the home of your dreams for the festive season

Experience the bliss of extravagant home decor

Stay true to your sense of style

Get ready for the holidays!

"I hope to provide Everyone with the inspiration and motivation to change their life and Home with knowledge and encouragement."

Cheryl Blake
An Icon of a Woman Holding Diamonds

Where to find Cheryl

Currently, I reside in Niagara-on-the-Lake with my husband. He is always by my side – literally – we are always together. Roman, a “Money Guy” and Mindset Conditioning Mentor & Coach. Roman is a fantastic father and grandfather. We are blessed with three awesome grandkids. And we are building our dream home in Cobble Beach on beautiful Georgian Bay. 

A couple smiling together wearing Black and blue

I Have Overcome Extreme Adversity In My Life By Being Persistent, Unique And Showing Up As Myself.


"My beautiful Cheryl Thank you so much for offering such a wonderful service to working mothers. You're a great coach and I deeply value the time we've spent together and the progress you've helped me make in my life. I wouldn't be this far along in my goals or have this much courage to push forward without your support. Can’t wait to start this new journey with this amazing woman with such strong support!"


"Cheryl has been such a pleasure to follow on social media. Her beautiful smile and positive messages always light up my day. Her encouragement has inspired me to shift my schedule to prioritize early morning self-care, and get my day started successfully. She has a beautiful energy, and her passion for helping others is undeniable"


"Cheryl is such a pleasure to work with. She has an energy about her that is truly infectious. She is faithfully dedicated to her passion and immerses herself into learning and continually bettering herself. This drive makes her strive to be the best, so she can best help serve others. She is driven and is so passionate about helping others. I know that she will be an unbelievable coach and will help so many people reach their goals with such ease. I have enjoyed being her coach and helping guide her along her way to this journey of becoming a coach herself. Any client of hers will thrive and flourish because of her coaching. I am so grateful to have Cheryl as a client of mine and love every session I have with her. Her growth has been so inspirational and I cannot wait to see where her coaching journey takes her and her clients!"



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